Points need to consider before creating new blog or website

Create blog / Website
A Person always needs to consider some points before creating blogs or websites. I have listed out some of them with my experience it will really help you before starting any kind of blog /website. Please consider the following points and go ahead with your plan.
Steps Details
Research Before doing any work first research online and check all the similar website and list out the feature and then plan your website and list out your website feature and content
Website Maintenance Always check how often you need to update the data. Ask a question to yourself is this static website a same data remain whole life or data need to update periodically or develop a website dynamically so that it will be require small maintenance, it may have admin tool to update a website data.
Know your Market Always keep in mind where my website data will get view by what age group , location , gender or it will be seen by technical or general people. So that content should be always be write by keeping that in mind
Domain Name A good domain name should be select a related and unique domain always be good to search website and it makes your website professional
Website Purpose Always keep purpose of website in mind before and after development of website and keep track of your purpose are getting fulfilling.
Deadline Always plan your development , hosting , publishing , marketing stages of your website plan so that it will not make consume more time
Choose host Always search a good hosting website provider so that website will be available always.
Original Content Always keep original content do not copy from others. It makes your website unique
Budget Always estimate a cost and check everything is in your budget or you need to use free hosting , domain name etc.
Future Plan Always make such good plan so that it will be easy to modify in future.

Design & Development
Mandatory Section A blog and website always have some section, pages are mandatory like contact us , privacy pages, good search functionality etc. do not avoid them
Unique Data While selecting template always choose unique or buy unique website design / develop template
Template Design A Flexible template need to select.
Keep Ready Content Keep all your content ready like article , images , videos , and sequence or structure of pages etc.
Logo make a logo online there are some free logo maker website or hire somebody
Loading Time Do not put heavy images or content so that it will take time to load on browser
Browser Compatibility Always check different browser compatibility because you never know in which browser your content going view
Responsive Compatibility of with browser , multi browser
Track Traffic Always track traffic integration tools like google analytic to track your website views and vieved location
Easy Navigation Website should be very easy to navigate. Menus should cover all pages and guide reader.
Hire developer If you can not develop website then you can hire developer .

Functional Website Requirement
Security if website is https protocol then people always trust more. If there is payment option then you must have https protocol and ssl certificate
Easy Search A Search section must be on top of website so that any content can easily search and view.
SEO Savvy Website always should be seo friendly. You can hire seo developer for your website, a good keyword need to choose and put in related content web page.

Integration of External Tools
External Tools There are many third party tools which provide widgets for your website you can put on your website I always try to avoid them.
Social Network Always keep your website social profile on social network so that you can share your website content on social network and add followers , subscriber to your website.

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