How to earn money with blog

earn money with blog
This question always comes when you complete your blogs 😊. Most of the people know some techniques but here I will list out some of them.
CPC/PPC Ads (Cost Per Click ) Need to put Advertisement Banner in your blog and you will get paid if reader click on that ads per click and another way to ads are CPM (Cost Per 1000 impression) you will get fixed amount based on how many people see your ads. All these kind of advertisement you will get from several advertiser some of the website paid such deals 1) Direct Advertising: You can directly put your advertisement of business and make money from this 2) AdNetwork: Advertisement network which pays per click, pay per impression, you need to register to a network and provide space to advertise their product, service on your blog, website.

Please check link Top Ad Networks

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. Then you could include a button, link or banner ad that would take the reader directly to that product and they could order it based on your recommendations. Advertiser pay you per sale made by you. if you put their ads or banner in your blogs you will if reader click on that advertisement and buy the product then you will get a commission as per product price.

Please check link Top Affiliate Marketing Programs

Sell Product : you can sell digital product online like ebooks,software,images,video,music,mobile app etc. Sell Service: you can sell service like consultation,seo services,website development, dataentry jobs,blog writer etc.
Many companies paid for review their product on your website or blog etc.Following are some of the companies that pays you for your review.

Please check link Top Paid Review Programs

You can earn money by sharing important content of website for paid member only.
You can sell space on your website/blog for advertising it may be text,snap,video,banner etc.
Write tutorial on specific subject and sell to people online. It may content books,article,video,text,live streaming etc.
host a webinar live and charge for subscription of webinar. you may be specialise in particular subject just host seminar or webinar online.
Start professional consultation in the field of health , legal , software development & many more
Start paid forum with exculsive quality content text and guidance etc and charge membership fees periodically.
If you are displaying list of website who provide particular service,sell product etc. you can charge them to display their ads.
Accept donation from visitors.
if you website provide rss feed then you can send paid RSS ads to your subscribers.

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