What is Blog

What is Blog?
A Blog is a piece of information regarding any subject, event, things, process or how to do things. Most of the information in chronicle order. It explains the subject or gives information step by step and cover all aspects of a subject. It helps the reader to understand the subject in a simple manner and the reader can ask any question about anything which he needs to understand.
To Write a Blog person should have a deep understanding of the subject. Content should not be copied from any other website. It should be a unique description and explain the subject in a simple manner. It can give reference to other websites so that people can confirm their views. The blog should have images, videos, a chart so that the reader will understand a better way. It takes time to make money, It takes a lot of work, You need to plan, Think blogging as a carrier
Types of Blogger :
1) Full-Time Blogger
2) Part Time Blogger
3) Blog for hobby
4) Blogs for Company
How to Select Subject:
This most important part of blogs, people can give genuine and more information only on those subject which he understands the subject or he can hire a blogger to write. If a blog subject is similar to another famous website then you should be some unique information and more content. It becomes really competitive
Blog consist of the following 1) List of Posts: It should have good numbers of post related to the topic.
2) Blog Template: Choose an attractive Blog them, A Template should consist of following things
ii)Post Body: Explain the details about the topic. It may contain images, videos, external link.
iii) Footer: It can be used for the comment section on the topic.
iv)Side Bar: To Display List of Posts or Related post, Display category, Tags, Subscriptions, Search Panel ,  this space can use for Advertisement etc,
v) Mandatory Pages: Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Term of Service, About us
3)Update Blogs: Blogs posts need to update time to time if information of blogs post obsolete then need to delete or update blogs information.
4) Post Saving Mode: A every new post always save in draft folder it will not display until we need to publish to a blog.
5) Keywords for Meta Tags: we always need to search keywords before writing blogs which we need to put in blogs in header section under meta tags. It helps for Search engine it is a part of SEO.
6) Minimum Posts: Blogs should have at least 100 posts before publishing so that you can earn good money with an advertisement, there are many ways to earn using blogs

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